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The Mainframe Product must prevent software as identified in the site security plan from executing at higher privilege levels than users executing the software.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-205545 SRG-APP-000342-MFP-000090 SV-205545r961359_rule Medium
In certain situations, software applications/programs need to execute with elevated privileges to perform required functions. However, if the privileges required for execution are at a higher level than the privileges assigned to organizational users invoking such applications/programs, those users are indirectly provided with greater privileges than assigned by organizations.
Mainframe Product Security Requirements Guide 2024-07-02


Check Text ( C-5811r299868_chk )
Examine installation and configuration settings.

Determine that the Mainframe Product identifies functions requiring elevated privileges.

If the Mainframe Product uses an external security manager ensure that execution uses authority of the initiating user rather than that of the Mainframe Product. If it does not, this is a finding.

The Mainframe Product does not use an external security manager ensure installation and configuration settings use the authority of the initiating user rather than that of the Mainframe Product.

If it does not, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-5811r299869_fix)
Using information from the Mainframe Product about privileged function, configure the external security manager to enforce submitting jobs on behalf of another user parameters.